Homemade White Bread

Few years ago I bought the bread machine and experimented with it. But when the bread didn't come out right I got a bit disheartened and kept it in the basement. Now with the rising pricing on breads and all sorts of buns, I wanted to give it a try again. Also, when you read the food labels, you'll feel that there are more and more chemicals in the breads now to improve the shelf life...that you start to wonder about the bread that you are eating. Most of the recipes I looked up were for, were asking for bread flour, which is expensive. Finally, I found a recipe that uses the plain old all-purpose flour (maida). Now, my whole family loves this home made bread.

Here's the recipe:

For large (1 1/2lb.- 2lb.) machine
1 cup lukewarm water
1/3 cup lukewarm milk
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
3 3/4 cups All Purpose Flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast

Put all of the ingredients into your machine in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Program the machine for basic white bread, and press Start. For my machine, the setting is 1-basic and it takes 3 hours for the whole process. Let the bread cool down a bit before you cut the slices. I usually set my bread at medium setting (outer bread colour)

Enjoy :)


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