Pide (Turkish Pizza)

I had been wanting to go to a turkish restaurant that makes pides for a while. But for some reason I was never able to get there. I studied all the pide types on their website and from time to time I read about other pide types and saw the photographs.

Pides have this eye shape or perhaps you can say that they look like leaves. Pides are usually around $10 at restaurants but you can make those at home for the fraction of that.

Just make the regular pizza dough...I have already shared a recipe before. I usually make a big bunch and then freeze small balls in ziplock bags in the freezer, enough for a small pizza.

So, you spread the dough in a eye shape, spread your favourite toppings (this pizza doesn't use tomato paste layer like italian pizzas). I used minced meat, green olives, small turkey slices (halal ones), tomatoes and layer it with cheese also.

Lastly, turn the edges of the pizza around and use some egg wash to cover the sides and pour the leftover mixture over the pizza toppings.

Bake it on 350 for 20-25 minutes or until done. my son says!


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